ADR Forms
Griffin Judicial Circuit (Fayette, Pike, Spalding, and Upson County) and Towaliga Judicial Circuit (Butts, Lamar, and Monroe County)
Domestic Relations (divorce, contempt, modification, legitimation, separate maintenance, etc.)
Domestic Relations Screening
Domestic Relations Screening Form - Only submit this form if you did NOT submit the above required Domestic Relations Initiation Form (DRIF).
- Domestic Relations Screening Form - Only submit this form if you did NOT submit the above required Domestic Relations Initiation Form (DRIF). Online completion:
General Civil (personal injury, construction/contract, malpractice, etc.)
Griffin Circuit Only: Pilot Program for Summary Jury Trials
Here is the Model Summary Jury Trial Order (Microsoft Word format) approved by the Georgia Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution for use in the Griffin Judicial Circuit only, for which the pilot program began in 2013. For more information, contact the offices of Hon. Christopher C. Edwards, Chief Judge, Griffin Judicial Circuit.
Flint Judicial Circuit (Henry County)
Domestic Relations (divorce, contempt, modification, legitimation, separate maintenance, etc.)
Domestic Relations Screening Forms
Domestic Relations Screening Form - Only submit this form if you did NOT submit the above required Domestic Relations Initiation Form (DRIF).
- Domestic Relations Screening Form - Only submit this form if you did NOT submit the above required Domestic Relations Initiation Form (DRIF). Online completion:
General Civil (personal injury, construction/contract, malpractice, etc.)
Form(s) Required for Filing a General Civil Superior, State, or Probate Case with the ADR Office
Forms for Mediators
Misc Forms
Sixth District ADR Rules & Policies (as amended June 1, 2024)
Informed Consent & Waiver - Griffin and Towaliga
Informed Consent & Waver - Henry County
Mediator’s Certification
Memorandum of Understanding
Payment Agreement - Griffin and Towaliga Judicial Circuits
Payment Agreement - Henry County
Request for Neutral Stipend
Parenting Plan Form
Sample Visitation Schedule